Source code for registration.supplements.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
A registration supplemental abstract model
__author__ = 'Alisue <>'
from django.db import models
from django.forms.models import modelform_factory
from django.utils.text import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible

[docs]class RegistrationSupplementBase(models.Model): """A registration supplement abstract model Registration supplement model is used to add supplemental information to the account registration. The supplemental information is written by the user who tried to register the site and displaied in django admin page to help determine the acceptance/rejection of the registration The ``__str__()`` method is used to display the summary of the supplemental information in django admin's change list view. Thus subclasses must define them own ``__str__()`` method. The ``get_form_class()`` is a class method return a value of ``form_class`` attribute to determine the form class used for filling up the supplemental informatin in registration view if ``form_class`` is specified. Otherwise the method create django's ``ModelForm`` and return. The ``get_admin_fields()`` is a class method return a list of field names displayed in django admin site. It simply return a value of ``admin_fields`` attribute in default. If the method return ``None``, then all fields except ``id`` (and fields in ``admin_excludes``) will be displayed. The ``get_admin_excludes()`` is a class method return a list of field names NOT displayed in django admin site. It simply return a value of ``admin_excludes`` attribute in default. If the method return ``None``, then all fields selected with ``admin_fields`` except ``id`` will be displayed. The ``registration_profile`` field is used to determine the registration profile associated with. ``related_name`` of the field is used to get the supplemental information in ``_get_supplement()`` method of ``RegistrationProfile`` thus DO NOT CHANGE the name. """ form_class = None admin_fields = None admin_excludes = None registration_profile = models.OneToOneField( 'registration.RegistrationProfile', verbose_name=_('registration profile'), editable=False, related_name='_%(app_label)s_%(class)s_supplement')
[docs] class Meta: abstract = True
def __str__(self): """return the summary of this supplemental information Subclasses must define them own method """ raise NotImplementedError( "You must define '__str__' method and return summary of " "the supplement") @classmethod
[docs] def get_form_class(cls): """Return the form class used for this registration supplement model When ``form_class`` is specified, this method return the value of the attribute. Otherwise it generate django's ``ModelForm``, set it to ``form_class`` and return it This method MUST BE class method. """ if not getattr(cls, 'form_class', None): setattr(cls, 'form_class', modelform_factory(cls, exclude=[])) return getattr(cls, 'form_class')
[docs] def get_admin_fields(cls): """Return a list of field names displayed in django admin site It is simply return a value of ``admin_fields`` in default. If it returns ``None`` then all fields except ``id`` (and fields in ``admin_excludes``) will be displayed. """ return cls.admin_fields
[docs] def get_admin_excludes(cls): """Return a list of field names NOT displayed in django admin site It is simply return a value of ``admin_excludes`` in default. If it returns ``None`` then all fields (selected in ``admin_fields``) except ``id`` will be displayed. """ return cls.admin_excludes