registration.admin package


registration.admin.forms module

class registration.admin.forms.RegistrationAdminForm(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: django.forms.models.ModelForm

A special form for handling RegistrationProfile

This form handle RegistrationProfile correctly in save() method. Because RegistrationProfile is not assumed to handle by hands, instance modification by hands is not allowed. Thus subclasses should feel free to add any additions they need, but should avoid overriding a save() method.

ACCEPTED_ACTIONS = ((u'accept', u'Re-accept this registration'), (u'activate', u'Activate the associated user of this registration'))
class Meta[source]
exclude = (u'user', u'_status')

alias of RegistrationProfile

RegistrationAdminForm.REJECTED_ACTIONS = ((u'accept', u'Accept this registration'), (u'force_activate', u'Activate the associated user of this registration forcibly'))
RegistrationAdminForm.UNTREATED_ACTIONS = ((u'accept', u'Accept this registration'), (u'reject', u'Reject this registration'), (u'force_activate', u'Activate the associated user of this registration forcibly'))
RegistrationAdminForm.base_fields = OrderedDict([('action_name', <django.forms.fields.ChoiceField object>), ('message', <django.forms.fields.CharField object>)])

clean action value

Insted of raising AttributeError, validate the current registration profile status and the requested action and then raise ValidationError

RegistrationAdminForm.declared_fields = OrderedDict([('action_name', <django.forms.fields.ChoiceField object>), ('message', <django.forms.fields.CharField object>)])
RegistrationAdminForm.registration_backend = <registration.backends.default.DefaultRegistrationBackend object>[source]

Call appropriate action via current registration backend

Insted of modifing the registration profile, this method call current registration backend’s accept/reject/activate method as requested.


Module contents

class registration.admin.RegistrationSupplementAdminInlineBase(parent_model, admin_site)[source]

Bases: django.contrib.admin.options.StackedInline

Registration supplement admin inline base class

This inline class is used to generate admin inline class of current registration supplement. Used inline class is defined as settings.REGISTRATION_SUPPLEMENT_ADMIN_INLINE_BASE_CLASS thus if you want to modify the inline class of supplement, create a subclass of this class and set to REGISTRATION_SUPPLEMENT_ADMIN_INLINE_BASE_CLASS

fields = ()
get_readonly_fields(request, obj=None)[source]

get readonly fields of supplement

Readonly fields will be generated by supplement’s get_admin_fields and get_admin_excludes method thus if you want to change the fields displayed in django admin site. You want to change the method or attributes admin_fields or admin_excludes which is loaded by those method in default.

See more detail in registration.supplements.DefaultRegistrationSupplement documentation.

has_change_permission(request, obj=None)[source]
class registration.admin.RegistrationAdmin(model, admin_site)[source]

Bases: django.contrib.admin.options.ModelAdmin

Admin class of RegistrationProfile

Admin users can accept/reject registration and activate user in Django Admin page.

If REGISTRATION_SUPPLEMENT_CLASS is specified, admin users can see the summary of the supplemental information in list view and detail of it in change view.

RegistrationProfile is not assumed to handle by hand thus adding/changing/deleting is not accepted even in Admin page. RegistrationProfile only can be accepted/rejected or activated. To prevent these disallowed functions, the special AdminForm called RegistrationAdminForm is used. Its save method is overridden and it actually does not save the instance. It just call accept, reject or activate method of current registration backend. So you don’t want to override the save method of the form.

accept_users(request, queryset)[source]

Accept the selected users, if they are not already accepted

actions = (u'accept_users', u'reject_users', u'force_activate_users', u'resend_acceptance_email')
backend = <registration.backends.default.DefaultRegistrationBackend object>
change_view(*args, **kwargs)[source]

called for change view

Check permissions of the admin user for POST request depends on what action is requested and raise PermissionDenied if the action is not accepted for the admin user.


Display activation key with link

Note that displaying activation key is not recommended in security reason. If you really want to use this method, create your own subclass and re-register to

Even this is a little bit risky, it is really useful for developping (without checking email, you can activate any user you want) thus I created but turned off in default :-p


Display supplement summary

Display __unicode__ method result of REGISTRATION_SUPPLEMENT_CLASS Not available when REGISTRATION_SUPPLEMENT_CLASS is not specified

force_activate_users(request, queryset)[source]

Activates the selected users, if they are not already activated


alias of RegistrationAdminForm


get actions displaied in admin site

RegistrationProfile should not be deleted in admin site thus ‘delete_selected’ is disabled in default.

Each actions has permissions thus delete the action if the accessed user doesn’t have appropriate permission.

get_inline_instances(request, obj=None)[source]

return inline instances with registration supplement inline instance

get_object(request, object_id, from_field=None)[source]

add request instance to model instance and return

To get request instance in form, request instance is stored in the model instance.

has_accept_permission(request, obj)[source]

whether the user has accept permission

has_activate_permission(request, obj)[source]

whether the user has activate permission


registration profile should not be created by hand

has_delete_permission(request, obj=None)[source]

registration profile should not be created by hand

has_reject_permission(request, obj)[source]

whether the user has reject permission

list_display = (u'user', u'get_status_display', u'activation_key_expired', u'display_supplement_summary')
list_filter = (u'_status',)
raw_id_fields = [u'user']
readonly_fields = (u'user', u'_status')
reject_users(request, queryset)[source]

Reject the selected users, if they are not already accepted

resend_acceptance_email(request, queryset)[source]

Re-sends acceptance emails for the selected users

Note that this will only send acceptance emails for users who are eligible to activate; emails will not be sent to users whose activation keys have expired or who have already activated or rejected.

search_fields = (u'user__username', u'user__first_name', u'user__last_name')