Source code for registration.admin.forms

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
A forms used in RegistrationAdmin
__author__ = 'Alisue <>'
__all__ = (
from django import forms
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from registration.conf import settings
from registration.backends import get_backend
from registration.models import RegistrationProfile

[docs]class RegistrationAdminForm(forms.ModelForm): """A special form for handling ``RegistrationProfile`` This form handle ``RegistrationProfile`` correctly in ``save()`` method. Because ``RegistrationProfile`` is not assumed to handle by hands, instance modification by hands is not allowed. Thus subclasses should feel free to add any additions they need, but should avoid overriding a ``save()`` method. """ registration_backend = get_backend() UNTREATED_ACTIONS = ( ('accept', _('Accept this registration')), ('reject', _('Reject this registration')), ('force_activate', _( 'Activate the associated user of this registration forcibly')), ) ACCEPTED_ACTIONS = ( ('accept', _('Re-accept this registration')), ('activate', _('Activate the associated user of this registration')), ) REJECTED_ACTIONS = ( ('accept', _('Accept this registration')), ('force_activate', _( 'Activate the associated user of this registration forcibly')), ) action_name = forms.ChoiceField(label=_('Action')) message = forms.CharField(label=_('Message'), widget=forms.Textarea, required=False, help_text=_( 'You can use the value of this field in templates for acceptance, ' 'rejection, and activation email with "{{ message }}". ' 'It is displayed in rejection email as "Rejection reasons" in ' 'default templates.' ))
[docs] class Meta: model = RegistrationProfile exclude = ('user', '_status')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RegistrationAdminForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # dynamically set choices of _status field if self.instance._status == 'untreated': self.fields['action_name'].choices = self.UNTREATED_ACTIONS elif self.instance._status == 'accepted': self.fields['action_name'].choices = self.ACCEPTED_ACTIONS elif self.instance._status == 'rejected': self.fields['action_name'].choices = self.REJECTED_ACTIONS
[docs] def clean_action(self): """clean action value Insted of raising AttributeError, validate the current registration profile status and the requested action and then raise ValidationError """ action_name = self.cleaned_data['action_name'] if action_name == 'reject': if self.instance._status == 'accepted': raise ValidationError(_( "You cannot reject a previously accepted registration.")) elif action_name == 'activate': if self.instance._status != 'accepted': raise ValidationError(_( "You cannot activate a user whose registration has not " "been accepted yet.")) elif action_name != 'force_activate': # with using django admin page, the code below never be called. raise ValidationError( "Unknown action_name '%s' was requested." % action_name) return self.cleaned_data['action_name']
[docs] def save(self, commit=True): """Call appropriate action via current registration backend Insted of modifing the registration profile, this method call current registration backend's accept/reject/activate method as requested. """ fail_message = 'update' if else 'create' opts = self.instance._meta if self.errors: raise ValueError("The %s chould not be %s because the data did'nt" "validate." % (opts.object_name, fail_message)) action_name = self.cleaned_data['action_name'] message = self.cleaned_data['message'] # this is a bit hack. to get request instance in form instance, # RegistrationAdmin save its request to bundle model instance _request = getattr( self.instance, settings._REGISTRATION_ADMIN_REQ_ATTR_NAME_IN_MODEL_INS ) if action_name == 'accept': self.registration_backend.accept( self.instance, _request, message=message, force=True, ) elif action_name == 'reject': self.registration_backend.reject( self.instance, _request, message=message) elif action_name == 'activate': # DO NOT delete profile otherwise Django Admin will raise # IndexError self.registration_backend.activate( self.instance.activation_key, _request, message=message, no_profile_delete=True, ) elif action_name == 'force_activate': self.registration_backend.accept( self.instance, _request, send_email=False) # DO NOT delete profile otherwise Django Admin will raise # IndexError self.registration_backend.activate( self.instance.activation_key, _request, message=message, no_profile_delete=True, ) else: raise AttributeError( 'Unknwon action_name "%s" was requested.' % action_name) if action_name not in ('activate', 'force_activate'): new_instance = self.instance.__class__.objects.get( else: new_instance = self.instance # the instance has been deleted by activate method however # ``save()`` method will be called, thus set mock save method = lambda *args, **kwargs: new_instance return new_instance
# this form doesn't have ``save_m2m()`` method and it is required # in default ModelAdmin class to use. thus set mock save_m2m method save_m2m = lambda x: x